The biggest impact of our work as a consulting firm is in our value chain: it’s all about how we help our clients – especially large companies – to contribute to achieving global goals. The key topics for us are therefore
- foundations such as equal treatment and fair business relationships,
- a special focus is of course on issues of education and training of both our own people and our clients,
- as a consequence, it is about joint contributions to sustainable growth and responsibility in production and consumption,
- finally, we see a special role for us in the context of the necessary stakeholder engagement and cross-organizational partnerships.
With this approach, we are able and committed to contribute to the goals 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 16 and 17.
Looking at the specific situation in the countries of our subsidiaries, Austria and Croatia, we can also identify the most important areas. According to the SDG Index and Dashboards Report 2018, Austria ranks 9th in the world in a total of 157 countries with 80.0 points, Croatia is in 24th place with 76.5 points. Both countries perform best in goal 1 (no poverty), in all other areas, the report identified necessary improvements. The need for action in Croatia lies above all in goal 9, and in Austria in goals 12 and 15.